Purchase Orders
You can quickly and easily enter Purchase Orders from schools or organizations by following the steps outlined below. Note: Order will not be shipped until the PO document is received.
1. Shop and click "Add To Cart" for the products you wish to purchase
2. Click on the Cart icon at the top right of the screen
3. Click on the "View Cart" button
4. On the Cart page, click on "Enter Purchase Order #"
5. A popup box will appear which states, "Type PO#, upload PO, Checkout, Manual Payment" which outlines the steps to complete the purchase.
Type PO# into the box
Click on "PO Upload" button and upload the document. Click "Submit"
Click "Checkout" button
On the Checkout page, select the Manual Payment button. A popup will appear with additional info about the Purchase Order confirmation email.
6. Click box to Agree to the Terms and Conditions
7. Click "Place Order & Pay" to complete the purchase
Alternatively, if the Purchase Order cannot be uploaded in Step 2, you can continue Steps 3 & 4 and email the PO when you receive confirmation of your order by replying to info@arithmetype.com.
As a final option, we can manually enter the order if the PO document is emailed to info@arithmetype.com with instructions to place your order for you.