Numpad Keyboard User Manuals
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Quick Startup Instructions (or accessible txt version)
Full Numpad Keyboard User Manual PDF ​(or accessible txt version) for additional details on installation, operation, screen readers, and troubleshooting .
Quick Start Up Instructions
The Numpad Keyboard is designed to be a simple plug-and-play keyboard. After it’s plugged in, typing can be done anywhere, just like a regular keyboard. Of course, first carefully remove the keyboard from the shipping box and packaging; then, remove the keyboard from the carrying case.
STEP 1. Attach the cord.
Plug the USB connector into your laptop or desktop computer. If additional USB ports are needed, USB multi-port devices (splitters, extenders) are available online from other sellers.
If you’re using a computer without a USB-A port, an adapter will be necessary:
*Mac Operating System, a female USB-A to male USB- C adapter will be necessary.
*iOS, a female USB-A to male lighting adapter
STEP 2. Select the correct operating system (OS) for Chrome/Linux, Mac, or Windows. Turn the keyboard over and using a slim tool such as a pencil, push the button inside the hole nearest the desired OS. The LED next to it will light up.
OS switching is OPTIONAL for this keyboard: Due to the standard keyboard characters, the keyboard will work similarly with all OS/iOS listed. The labeling was selected to remain consistent with the other ArithmeType Keyboards.
STEP 3. Simply open the compatible document editor or website, and then you can start typing math!
Compatible Browsers:
All browsers are compatible.
Compatible Platforms/Editors:
Google Docs, Sheets, Slides
Microsoft Word, Excel, and OneNote
MacBook Notes, TextEdit, or any document editor
Compatible Websites:
ArithmeType, Desmos, DeltaMath, and most standard websites
Compatible Extensions:
EquatIO, MathType, OrbitNote, Kami, and most PDF editors, extensions, and add-ons
Compatible Screen Readers:
NVDA, JAWS, ChromeVox, VoiceOver
Operating Instructions:
Most of the characters will display on the computer screen just as they appear on the key. Just push the key. It’s that easy. Please see the Keyboard User Manual for a full explanation of the keys, troubleshooting, screen readers, and more.